Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Rules Of Life...

Okay, I havent blogged for half a year, thats pretty bad, but on the plus side its because of how busy things have gotten lately.
I managed to keep up with my fitness regime and lost 3 stone, It was really hard work and so time consuming, but worth all the effort. I have also been organising my wedding and if thats not enough, moving house...
Enough about me, more about the interesting things in life... I recently picked up a book called The Rules of Life by Richard Templar. I wasn't specifically looking for a so called 'Self Help' book, but something compelled me to find out more. I had never really thought about living my life by any set of rules apart from abiding the laws of the land, so I was curious to see what golden rules I had been missing out on so far.
To be honest I dont particularly feel as though it has had any great influence on me yet. It just seems like a whole bunch of common sense. Its quite an interesting read if your into that kind of thing, and I probably have learned a thing or two about how to interact and treat others in certain situations. This leads me to thinking about what we subconsciously know and learn, in regards to the way we behave in society. Why do we have to physically take in the information we already know to take a conscious decision to act on it? Its a really interesting concept to think about, I dont really know a lot about psychology, but it is perplexing to ponder how complex our communicative functions are.
To demonstrate my point, I recently came across this animated video of one of Steven Pinker's informative talks enlightening us on how we interpret meanings in language. Its definitely worth a watch. Enjoy!

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